
Natal Venus Retrograde

When you have Venus retrograde in your natal chart, your karmic history includes believing you failed someone you love.

You may feel compelled to go to extremes for those you care about in this life because you’re afraid of failing them.

This can include enabling them, tolerating unkind behavior, feeling you need to earn love to prove yourself to make up for your past.

It’s important to release guilt you carry and trust yourself so that you can create healthy loving relationships.

You also had lives where you didn’t feel valued and you’re now learning how to heal these experiences and believe you’re loveable.

When you struggle to believe you’re loved you tend to distort the intentions of others. It’s hard to receive love if you don’t believe you’re worth loving. You may also label unhealthy behavior as proof of love.

The retrograde can express itself in a variety of ways, these are just a few. Most importantly, retrogrades are not a curse. They are announcements and in this case that you’re learning to value yourself in a deep and meaningful way. I repeatedly see people with Venus retrograde develop healthy relationships and live abundant lives.

Natal VenusRx 💖✨

I just shared a few beliefs brought into this life with Venus retrograde in a natal chart. Most importantly, know that you’re not doomed by a retrograde. It’s an intention to heal in this life.

You are lovable. You are worthy of love and the love in your heart is priceless.



Venus is a powerful undercurrent to everything you are in this life and everything you do.

Venus is love. Human love. It’s how you express what matters to you while human. Loving is a core purpose we all have here.

Venus is what you value, what matters to you, how you set priorities, how you express love and feel love.

Venus is money, because money is one of the ways we assign value. Venus is key to understanding your relationship with money, how you get it, save it, spend it.

Look at Venus when you look at everything in your chart, even if there is no aspect, because Venus is integral to knowing what’s important to you and that impacts everything.

The more you understand what and how you love, the clearer you get on your priorities, the more effectively you focus your energy on living a rewarding life.

You can get caught up in doing things for many reasons that have nothing to do with what matters most to you. Habit, fear, obligation are a few.

Just as you periodically need to purge through your stuff, it’s helpful to take inventory of your life.

How do you spend your time and energy? Who do you spend it with? How do you get money? What do you do with it?

One way to deepen your understanding of astrology is to try to see in your chart what you know about yourself. Instead of looking at your chart and trying to figure it out, let’s do the opposite.

Take a minute and describe your values, how you love, what makes you feel loved, your relationship with money, and then look at Venus in your chart and see if you can make a connection to what you came up with and your Venus placement.

If you feel confused about how to start, try this. Look at the sign your Venus is in and describe the sign in whatever way you can then see if you can match any of that with what you came up with about how you love.

If you’re still confused, that’s okay. Astrology is a language and everyone reading this post has a different fluency level. You’ll get there.

@karmicastrology on Instagram

Venus 💖✨

Venus is love in human form. It’s who, what and how you love. It’s how you prioritize and assign value. Understanding Venus in your natal chart helps you to prioritize what matters to you.

What does your Venus tell you?


Venus rules Taurus and Libra

Our current transits today include sun in Taurus and moon in Libra. Feels like a good day to discuss how both are ruled by Venus, the energy of love, beauty and values. Big difference:

Taurus is an earth sign. Libra is an air sign.

Taurus is more about what’s tangible, about endurance, about sensual pleasures.

Libra is more about harmonic connection, aesthetics, relationships with people.

A Libra type artist is more likely to have an idea and then express it artistically. The idea often precedes the picture, song, etc.

A Taurus type artist is more likely to immerse themselves in the media, e.g., pottery clay, paints, etc., and then have the material inspire them to create.

Do you see how the more you understand the planetary rulers and elements, the signs become clearer?


Moon square Venus

In karmic astrology, your natal chart is read as a painting of your past lives. The beliefs, talents, struggles, goals … all that you bring into this life is connected to experiences in other lives.

Squares to the moon in a natal chart are often challenging, because they show past life conflicts with family, feeling cared for and even survival. Squares create a forced awareness and there’s almost a competition between the two energies.

Moon square Venus is an especially challenging aspect to deal with in relationships. Please know that people with this can have loving, lasting relationships. I’ve seen it. Don’t despair if you have this, or any other thing in your chart that someone has told you is bad.

When someone tells you something in your chart is hopeless, they have shown you that their understanding of astrology and experience reading charts is limited.

Why does this Venus/Moon square show up? There’s karmic history where your values and emotional needs were at odds with each other. This could have played out in many ways. For example, marrying for money or someone your family forced on you.

The moon is also food and survival, so your karmic past could include doing things to survive that went against your values. Sometimes people with this aspect think they are horrible people, when they haven’t done anything really terrible in this life.

If you have this, you may struggle with feeling fulfilled in life and even wonder what it feels like to be truly satisfied. The more you can own your values, act with integrity and open yourself up emotionally (even when it’s hard) the more you will become aware of what this aspect is teaching you and learn how the energies can work together.

The square doesn’t doom you, it’s a window into some wounds that need healing so that you can joyfully live your life.

astrology basics, signs

Aries (spring) is coming!!

Spring is on the way! This year the vernal equinox happens on 20 March 2022 at 11:33am ET and with it the tropical zodiac resets to zero degrees Aries.

I LOVE Aries energy 💜♈️

Yes, I love all the zodiac signs 🙄 each is special and amazing. Spoiler alert: you have all of them in your chart. 🤔😍🥰

I also have Venus in Aries 🙈☺️ so that makes Aries my go to style for love. ❤️🔥

The signs show our karmic history. The sign of Venus in your chart gives insight into your past life experiences around love, values, and worth. 💗

Aries is the most spontaneous sign in the zodiac and it’s about new beginnings. It’s the moment fire ignites. Aries in your chart shows your innocence, passion for what’s new, willingness to start fresh, when and what you tend to learn experientially.

Aries is ruled by Mars ♂️so Aries is fueled by action. Wherever Mars is in your chart is an area that energizes you and where Aries is in your chart shows you where you can thrive using a style of inspired action.

While there may be 🙏 an end to changing our clocks, I always remember the spring forward of skipping ahead as such an Aries moment. 😂

Try something new next week. Give someone a chance, regardless of what you heard about them. Make a snap decision. Jump in your car and drive somewhere. Be humble and learn as if you are a novice. Freshen up something in your life.

Enjoy! ❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️

Still on a break from readings and regular posting … popping in so WP doesn’t completely forget I exist 😂🙄

Learn Astrology

Crystals and Astrology

Do you ever associate crystals with particular people in your life? When I do, it gives me a deeper personal connection with the crystal, and makes me curious to see if that crystal is reflected in their natal chart.

If my mom were a crystal she’d be a rose quartz. She was unconditional love. 💗Everyone that met her felt it and loved her.

In astrology, Venus is human love. Neptune is the higher octave of Venus and is unconditional love. Rose quartz is often associated with Venus, and Mom had Venus at a karmic degree conjunct her north node (life’s purpose) and both made a trine to Neptune. Mom was rose quartz.

rose quartz, smoky quartz, clear quartz

If my dad were a crystal he’d be a smoky quartz. 🖤 He had a horrific childhood, and it’s stunning to me that he was able to be the man he was given the life he had growing up. Though Dad had his inner demons and flaws, he embodied transmuting and moving on from pain and negativity.

In astrology, Pluto is our capacity for transformation. It’s our ability to perceive we have a choice, and to align ourselves with divine will. Dad had strong Pluto aspects and his sun was at a karmic degree in Scorpio. Dad was smoky quartz.

When you dig into every metaphysical tool, you find overlap between all of them. Funny how that oracle card you keep pulling lines up with an astrology transit touching your natal chart or a crystal you just had to have. It’s all connected, different languages saying the same thing.

My fluency happens to be in astrology. When clients ask me about what crystals they need, I talk with them about intention and what kinds of lessons and opportunities seem most important to them now and then send them to my favorite crystal sellers.

There are so many amazing options. Something like 2000 or so different minerals have been discovered, and then there’s raw, polished, carved, clusters, and we’re often drawn to particular ones during different times in our lives. So, I suggest they ask the seller for recommendations based on what we discussed. Even more importantly, when you’re looking at shop listings or you’re in a live sale, go with what gives you that ping! The ping knows.

Is there a crystal that you feel expresses either your essence or someone you know? Tell me about it.

Moon Phases

March 2021 new moon

We are heading into the Pisces new moon on Saturday, March 13th at 5:21am ET and there are a couple of things I want to point out about this one.

First, since last fall our new moons have been happening at 23 degrees and this is the last one. So fitting we are finishing this series of new moons at 23 degrees (the degree of sorrow) with Pisces.

The other is that the current Pisces sun is conjunct both Venus and Neptune, which is the higher octave of Venus. The moon will touch each of them as it forms the exact new moon.

New moons are about fresh starts, setting intentions and new beginnings. I feel like this new moon is an especially poignant opportunity to get real with yourself. It’s an opportunity to love yourself and others so much that you not only see the best in them and in yourself, but you also are willing to see and own something you’ve been kidding yourself about, that you’ve been in denial about.

This new moon may be bringing up a lot of painful feelings, and some of you may be releasing a lot. It’s cleansing though and it frees you up to realize your dreams. It takes a lot of energy to maintain denial and when we sustain illusion we may be delaying dealing with stuff we don’t want to face but it comes at a price of delaying the realization of our dreams and of feeling more love for who we are.

This new moon invites you to release denial and in whatever intention you chose to set be intentional about wanting to be real. Imagine making your dreams real while releasing any denial you’ve been holding on to. Dream big and open up to your heart’s desire while intending to see things as they really are.

New projects are more exciting and fulfilling when they include goals that are actually achievable. Romance is more delicious when we are with someone we really love and who loves us back. When someone really sees you, when they see through you and into your soul and loves you, well that’s amazing.

There is an incredible payoff to releasing denial and illusion, because the real you is exquisite and extraordinary.

Have a beautiful new moon everyone.

aspects, planets

Denial always has an expiration date

Venus is how we give and receive love and rules every way in which we assign value. Venus opposes Mars early in the month, then continues with a series of squares to Jupiter, Pluto, Saturn and ends with an opposition to Uranus. All these challenging aspects to Venus urge us to get clear about our priorities and to ask ourselves what really matters to us.

So this month, intention is everything.

While transits are experienced most strongly if they touch your natal chart, there is such a strong theme this month, it feels like most people will feel this in some way.

These Venus transits are challenging us to become fully aware of our priorities and intentions. The confrontations we may experience this month are opportunities to learn why we may put a lot of energy into something and not get what we want, or when we get it feel as though it doesn’t fulfill us as the way we thought it would. We are facing ways we believe life isn’t fair, where we believe our choices are limited or non-existent, we are seeing how relationships may be out of balance and how we have isolated ourselves from people and things we love.

Our intentions can dominate our experiences and often override the stories we tell ourselves and the actions we take in the world. One example I use often is this: imagine that you are doing a favor for someone, but you feel so put out by it and resentful while doing it that instead of the person feeling helped or supported by you they feel awful. They feel like a burden, like they are worthless or helpless and wish they hadn’t asked you or you hadn’t offered. What you do for them may even fall apart and end up not being that helpful. Chances are you told yourself that you wanted to help, and some part of you did, but it was a cover story for your deeper intention that came from a place of guilt, obligation or something other than the pure desire to help.

This month, Venus is pulling back the curtain and showing us what we truly value and who is really there for us. We are seeing where love is in our lives, what we value, and where we actually want to be, what we want to do, and how we derive our worth.

We’re also revisiting balance in relationships and seeing where they may be one-sided. This includes both relationships where we do not ask for enough and where we give little of ourselves.

We are being challenged to be honest about what we really value so that we stop putting our energy into what we tell ourselves is important, and instead focus on what and who we truly love.

Some of this may not be easy, but facing it is worth it. 

It’s worth taking the time to get a pair of shoes that really fit your feet. You can quickly buy a pair that look good and you tell yourself will work, but your feet won’t participate in the lie. The shoes may work out okay for a short time, but eventually your feet will feel the pain of your choice and make you regret buying them.

Denial always has an expiration date.

This month Venus is urging you to be honest with yourself about what matters to you. If there is any area in your life where you are pretending that something or someone is in alignment with your values, but is not, you’ll feel the friction and it will be a bit harder to pretend.

The good news is that the pain of disappointment or fear that you may feel opens the door to more of what you really love. You gain the focus and willingness you need to bring more of what you love into your life.


Moon vs Mercury vs Venus in Virgo

Someone new to astrology, on Reddit, asked about the differences between having Moon, Mercury and Venus in Virgo. The person posting indicated that the descriptions all seemed to be the same and wanted help on how to differentiate them.

I’ve decided to share my reply here. One note, a reply asked about the meaning of “creature comforts.” This is a phrase that refers to things that are physically comforting.

Speaking of comforting, this pic looks completely delicious to me.

Here is my response …

The planets are energy processes. The moon is emotions, nurturance, food, family. Mercury is the rational mind, communication via language. Venus is values, giving and receiving love.

Signs are styles of expression. Virgo is mutable earth. Virgo wants to get it right, to perfect, to analyze.

While there are elements of seeking perfection, analysis, and service in all of the general descriptions for these planets in Virgo, you have to go deeper into the planet’s energy to see the differences.

Moon in Virgo people have a Virgo temperament. They need to feel useful, to be of service. They are often drawn to work in healthcare and music. They need to be busy, to multitask. They take care of people by doing things for them. They need creature comforts.

Virgo in Mercury people have a mind that wants to analyze everything and pick it apart to understand it. They want to know the why of everything, how things work. They think logically and seek to apply what they know in practical applications.

Venus in Virgo people love perfection. They will pick things apart to find the beauty and perfection in it. They want to give tangible presents to people they love.

Venus in Virgo loves puzzles and may be drawn to problem solving, but doesn’t necessarily want to take care of others or be of service to them like the Moon in Virgo. They may more drawn to research versus medicine.

Venus in Virgo may love words and read a lot, but aren’t necessarily drawn to writing or working in a library like Mercury in Virgo.

Does that help?


Moon Square Venus and an Amazon Giveaway

First the amazon giveaway: Win an Astrology Chart Notebook

No cost to enter, and you don’t have to like anything or watch anything. Just tap the bouncing box to see if you are one of the random winners. I’m giving away three copies of my Astrology Chart Notebook.


It’s an 8×10 larger version of my Astrology Chart Journal.

Screen Shot 2018-06-26 at 11.31.04 AM

Now to Moon square Venus …

I have rediscovered reddit recently and have been answering some Astrology questions there. This morning I replied to a guy with Moon square Venus and thought I would share my answer in a blog post:

Moon square Venus is a really hard aspect to deal with in relationships. Squares create a forced awareness and there’s almost a competition between the two energies. People with this aspect can have loving, lasting relationships. I’ve seen it. I get that it feels really frustrating right now, try to resist the urge to tell yourself it’s hopeless. It’s not.

My advice is to continue on a path of self-discovery and self-acceptance in a conscious, purposeful way. It’s important for you to understand what you value and live a life of integrity.
There’s likely some karmic history where your values and emotional needs were at odds with each other. This could have played out in many ways. For example, marrying for money or someone your family forced on you. The moon is also food and survival, so your karmic past could include doing things to survive that went against your values. Sometimes people with this aspect think they are horrible people, when they haven’t done anything really terrible in this life.

The more you can own your values, act with integrity and open yourself up emotionally (even when it’s hard) the more you will become aware of what this aspect is teaching you and learn how the energies can work together.

End reddit post.

Astrology is fascinating and can lead to many personal insights. It can be tempting though to generalize and idealize something like signs or aspects, and also the reverse, to write off someone or think you’re doomed because of something you see in a chart. Remember that the natal chart itself is neutral information and contains no inherent judgements. When you see something really challenging in your chart or someone else, look at it as an opportunity. It’s a flashing neon sign giving you information that can help you focus, rather than a doomsday warning.

You always have a choice, Astrology doesn’t remove that. Astrology can help you to understand why you’ve made some of your choices and help you to understand the choices available.

I hope someone reading this wins one of the books. Let me know if you.

Good luck!