
Pluto transits

If you have something at 24 Capricorn (or within a few degrees) in your natal chart Pluto has been transiting it for a few months now. Have you felt the invitation?

Transits are what outside energy will or won’t do for you. If you’re open to this transit, there is a huge amount of support for you to work with the energy Pluto is touching. It’s time to dig deeper into understanding this part of yourself, to understand your choices, to release and transform.

Smoky Quartz

It may not always feel like an easy opportunity, but it is empowering. The universe isn’t cruel and doesn’t toy with you. The more open you are to making a shift, the more it feels like an opportunity.

Transiting Pluto touching your Jupiter, what an incredible opportunity to be empowered by facing the truth about yourself and drawing strength from your integrity and willingness to share your truth. If it’s touching your Mercury, you understand more clearly the power of your words and the transformation available through communication.

When transiting Pluto lands on anything in your natal chart, it’s an invitation to feel more empowered through that part of yourself.

Pluto will at 24 degrees of Capricorn for a few more months. It goes to 25 degrees in December. Transits with outer planets last longer, because they take longer to advance through the zodiac (they take longer to complete a revolution around the sun).

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