Moon Phases

Supermoon Eclipse May 2022

So excited about a special cool weirdness this year 💫🌕✨

First a few quick facts about the upcoming trifecta on Sunday night, 15 May 2022 (around 11:30pm ET)

  • Full moon
  • Supermoon
  • Lunar eclipse

The upcoming full moon is also a lunar eclipse and will occur close to the moon’s perigee, making it a supermoon.

Perigee is the point when the moon is closest to the earth, so the moon appears about 7% bigger than average.

There are actually TWO total lunar eclipses this year. That’s unusual. The next is in early November with a Scorpio sun and Taurus moon.

The really extra weird fascinating thing is that both eclipses will last 84 minutes. Their total duration differes only by 4 seconds.

This is the most balanced pair of lunar eclipses in 430 years.