
Let’s talk moon speed

I didn’t realize until I came here to post that it’s been a year since I updated the blog. I’m not going to make any promises on frequency this time, though I am back to doing readings again so the odds favor more postings. Truth be told, though I am endlessly fascinated with astrology, it usually takes some external nudge to get me back here writing. Clients are often that nudge.

Today I want to discuss moon speed.

Do you know your moon speed? If not, then you’re in luck, because I have a moon speed calculator you can have for free to easily figure it out. 

Let’s back up though and first talk about why moon speed matters.

The moon is your temperament, it’s your capacity to respond emotionally, to nurture and be nurtured. It shows your beliefs about women, mothering and family that you brought into this life. It’s how you react moment to moment. The moon is not rational, it’s all about feelings.

You may be used to looking at sun signs for compatibility and while there’s value in that, the moon informs you about what it’s like to hang out with that person, to live with them or go on a road trip with them.

The speed of the moon when you were born gives insight into the speed with which you process your emotions. Other things in the chart will color this a bit, but in general, it helps to explain why you function the way you do. If your moon is slow, you need more time than most to process your feelings. If it’s fast, then you zip through them quickly and if it’s average, then you are more able to adapt to the extremes. 

Ever wonder why you have no patience, or why you feel as if someone you care about is taking your feelings too lightly? The answers could be in looking at moon speeds.

To learn more about moon speed, check out my Udemy course Moon Speed, Oriental and Signature.

1 thought on “Let’s talk moon speed”

  1. I’m really happy to say that your article has been very helpful to me. I am studying astrology from and appreciate the information that helps me delve deeper into this topic.

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