Learn Astrology

Soul Families

Sometimes we meet people and we know them. We already know them. We have a karmic connection to them that transcends this life. One of the ways this kind of connection can show up when looking at natal charts is by the degree of the midheaven. ⁣

The midheaven shows your soul in your chart. If someone has the same degree you have, regardless of sign, they are part of your soul family.

We all come from the same source and you can feel soulful connections without this indicator. This is just one way this connection is expressed. ⁣

Take a look at your midheaven and keep that number in mind if you tend to collect charts of friends and families. Notice the degree of the midheaven next time you look at someone’s chart and see if it’s the same as yours.⁣

Sometimes (often) these people are in our life for a very short time. It can be one conversation, one favor, one act of kindness … even brief, it’s usually deeply felt.⁣

I’d love to know about one of your encounters with your soul family. ⁣

Btw, if you like learning astrology my Stargazers community will reopen later this summer.

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