
What did you agree to do?

Saturn is our karmic contract. It’s what we agreed to do in exchange for the opportunity to live this life. Saturn is time and space. It is our human experience, how we define ourselves in this time and space. Saturn rules boundaries, limits, structure, and our mastery of our earthly existence. Saturn also shows our father in the birth chart.

Saturn pic from NASA

Your karmic history with Saturn shows how you derive security and stability so that you can build the life you want. Look at Saturn in your chart for insight into where you came in needing to learn about boundaries and what makes you feel safe.

Saturn in the first house often feels they had to grow up fast by being given inappropriate levels of responsibility. They often feel they can only rely on themselves and are invested in having people see them as responsible. They have lessons around setting limits, learning to delegate.

Saturn in the second is often about self-reliance, self-worth, boundaries for self-care. It can be about understanding what is enough, what defines your true needs, experiencing security by having enough, understanding your responsibility about meeting your needs and where your responsibility to the needs of others begins and ends.

Saturn in the third house includes reliable communication, the effects your words have on others, when and how you have a responsibility to communicate, to use your voice responsibly.

Saturn in the fourth often includes learning to create a supportive family or family like support system, healthy limits with family, family commitments, protecting the environment and creating a home that feels safe.

Saturn in the fifth is about creativity, play, children, fun, romance, risks. Saturn here is often about balancing responsibility and healthy limits while giving yourself the security you need to take risks. This includes owning up to responsibility in a way that gives you choice and freedom versus creating obligations you come to resent.

Saturn in the 6th usually includes lessons around how to be of service without feeling subservient i.e., how to come from a place grounded in abundant self care versus guilt or obligation. Service can include both healing and service of others as well as helping others see the need for healthy boundaries.

Saturn shows what you agreed to do in this life. This includes lessons and tasks about bringing order, healthy limits, exploring security, responsibility and timing to the area of life (house) where Saturn is placed in your natal chart.

Saturn in the 7th house includes lessons around boundaries in personal relationships, being connected but not enmeshed, timing, limits, what feels safe, supported versus obligated.

Saturn in the 8th has lessons with learning to be vulnerable, and how to set healthy limits in intimate relationships. Your task may be to help others learn to do this as well, or help others deal with loss or to see how they can shift from feeling like a victim.

Saturn in the 9th is about spiritual growth, travel, higher education, religion, philosophy, and social justice. Saturn here often involves a need to expand your mind and explore the limits of righteousness. At some point you’ll need to ask yourself if you’d rather be right or experience joy, be right or live in peace.

With Saturn in the 10th house you may find yourself seeking a calling, feeling a need to understand your role and your unique contribution to the world. While you do need to demonstrate that you are responsible, you are also learning about the limits of perfectionism.

Saturn in 11th usually has some need to get behind causes and experience connection. They may help bring order to group activity and may tend to spread themselves too thin, and need to learn they limits about how much of themselves they can invest at any given time.

Saturn in the 12th is about the strength of compassion while learning the limitations of rescuing others. Lessons around feeling grounded in this earthly existence and fully embracing it while also being connected to life beyond this one.


Karmic Astrology Podcast

Happy Halloween 🎃👻🦇🔥🧟‍♀️🧙‍♀️🧟‍♀️⁣ and I’ve got a TREAT for you 🖤⁣

My Karmic Astrology podcast is now live. You can stream it from my website or find it in iTunes and Spotify.

Text podcast to 844-382-8016 to be notified when new episodes are available. You can also text questions and topic suggestions for the podcast.

⁣Feedback welcome 💜 I want to know your questions, topic suggestions, is it too long or too short … comment with anything you want to tell me.⁣

⁣The first episode is Saturn and Your Karmic Contract and was chosen because I get so many questions about it. So let me know what YOU want to know more about. ⁣


Time for a responsibility reset

Our Cancer sun is currently sextile Uranus and quincunx Saturn and I want to encourage you to let go of stuff you think you should hold on to, both big and small.

Maybe there’s a bottle of product you bought that you don’t really like. You’ve had it for so long. You keep thinking even though you don’t like it, you’ll use it up. Instead, it collects dust, takes up room, and makes you feel like you are failing when you look at it, or that you shouldn’t have bought it, or must keep it or you’re being wasteful. At some point, what you paid for it is irrelevant, because whatever the cost, keeping it is costing you more. Get rid of it.

You signed up for an online class, but are way behind in the lessons. Stacks of books are by your bedside. Your to do lists have sub lists. You keep meaning to call someone, to reorganize a closet, to learn how to do play an instrument …

Whether the stuff you feel you’ve signed up to do (or use) is connected to something you’ve bought, someone you care about it, something you think is great, or just an idea in your head, this is a good time to revaluate.

Get rid of stuff you don’t want. Move things out of the active space of your life, both physically and mentally unless you are actively using them i.e., keep one or two books out and the rest go on shelves, packed away or given away. It’s okay to take that online class off your to do list for now, and even to allow for the possibility that you never go back to it.

It’s okay if you never actually read every book you bought. Look at the books on your shelves as opportunities available to you and not required assignments.

Notice how and where you’ve fallen into the trap of creating responsibility and obligation and free yourself from it.

Time to reset.

There are core things you need to do, but we can bog ourselves down too easily with good intentions.

When you are holding on to stuff that you don’t want, and to ideas of who you are supposed to be that you don’t feel aligned with now, you are unnecessarily limiting yourself.

Healthy boundaries are good and that includes boundaries on what you require of yourself.

When you stay attached to relationships that aren’t healthy for you out of fear, insecurity, obligation, or the belief they can give you something you can’t get any other way, you are limiting your freedom and all you can be.

Your soul can always find another way. There is no revelatory experience that only comes along once. No other person holds the key to your self discovery. No material object intrinsically has power over you. You give it your power.

Embrace this opportunity to deeply nurture your aspirational self by letting go of stuff that doesn’t serve you, beliefs that limit you and trust that you can bring into your life who and what you need, when you’re ready.


Transiting Uranus square Saturn

Uranus is currently square Saturn 🪐 both at 13 degrees. ⁣

Squares are forced awareness, so we have our individuality and sense of connection forcing awareness of our need for structure, boundaries and timing. ⁣

Be yourself. 💫💜⁣

When you try to be different and choose not to like or enjoy something because it’s ordinary, common etc., you aren’t being your unique self. You’re craving external validation that you’re unique. ⁣

You have nothing to prove. ⁣

No one else is the combination of everything that is YOU ❤️💥 ⁣

It can be boring and tedious to be around people that try so hard to make you think they are special. More importantly, you’re investing your energy into creating an image for others instead of reveling in who you are.⁣

People that just express who they are 🌀 regardless of how strange or ordinary the expression are vibrant and fascinating. Somehow they make even their ordinary parts feel unexpected, because of how everything combines together.⁣

You sparkle most 🌟 when you equally don’t care if people think you’re weird or ordinary. Just do you. It’s about as soulful as it gets.

Moon Phases

February 2021 full moon

Our current full moon is at its peak in the wee hours of Saturday morning, 27 February 2021 and it forms an exact quincunx with Saturn.

Have a beautiful full moon.

This is a great time to look at your habits and routines, coping mechanisms, and ongoing commitments and see how well they still serve you. How well do they fit into your life now? Are they aligned with how you want to live and who you want to be now?

We often start doing things for good reasons, but over time we continue them on auto pilot or out of habit or some self-imposed sense of obligation. This is a great time to take inventory and let go of that which doesn’t support you.

These kinds of habits can be subtle drains on our energy by keeping us hooked into things that are not nurturing or satisfying. It’s like looking at your credit card bill and noticing that you have a recurring payment for something you don’t even use anymore. Once you see that, it’s a no brainer to cancel that subscription and stop paying for it.

So it is with how we invest our time and emotional energy. Changing or letting go doesn’t mean you were wrong before. It just means you’re tuning into the natural rhythms of your life.


We all need grounding

We all need grounding. We’re human. We all have the Sun and Saturn in our charts.⁣

Pictured: garnets in a septarian bowl, sitting on a slab of petrified wood ⁣

The sun is our human identity in this life and shows us what makes us feel sane, grounded into who we want to be this time.⁣

Saturn is our humanity. It’s time and space, how we define ourselves here. It’s our societal structures, our ability to set boundaries, perceive limitations and experience our humanity. ⁣

Living a spiritually driven path includes embracing our humanity.⁣

I used to travel a lot. Just counting plane rides it’s several hundred trips, then there’s road trips, and I moved to Europe twice. I got the most out of my travels by going local, going to the places unique to the area versus the same chains I had at home. ⁣

If you feel stuck, scared, or in a funk, try sinking into your humanity and see what insight your Sun and Saturn can give you. They help you understand who you aspire to be and what you need to do along the way. They also help ground you in a way that can help propel you to action. It can be easier to get moving when you feel the ground beneath you is solid, and not so easy to run when what’s beneath you is rocky and shaking.⁣

You’re here, in a body, being human. Even if this year has dragged on for you I promise you, once you’ve lived a lot of years you’ll feel their speed and sometimes wish you could slow them down, just a little.⁣


Planets in Signs versus Houses

I just replied to someone in a discussion group. The question was how to use the interpretations for planets when they are written in the format of Saturn in Sagittarius and the 9th house, Saturn in Aquarius and the 11th house, etc. After I posted I thought, blog post! So here it is …

When you are first learning astrology, it can be frustrating when everything seems so generalized. That’s because you are learning so many basics. It’s like learning a lot of vocabulary when you are studying a foreign language. You need to learn the vocabulary, but the individual words aren’t as meaningful as the phrases, sentences, paragraphs, etc.

Each house has a natural ruler. Starting with Aries on the first and going around the 12 houses with the 12 signs. Houses are areas of life experiences, and the natural ruler is sort of the most natural style for that house.

I’m not a huge fan of descriptions that are written as having a plant in Sag or in the 9th house and discussing them as if they are the same. They aren’t, though there are some basic similarities. Let’s look at your example of Saturn in Sagittarius and in the 11th house.

As background, I do karmic astrology, so the natal chart is seen as a painting of your past life beliefs and experiences.

Saturn is time and space. It’s how we define ourselves as human. It’s our energy that deals with limits, rules, structure, and our humanity. The sign of Saturn shows you how you come into this life expressing this energy. It reflects your old history. The house of Saturn shows your current life focus. It shows the area of life that you are specifically intending to develop this energy.

Saturn in Sagittarius is going to be someone that really wants to explore their limitations and in fact blow them up a bit. These are folks that need structure that can accommodate their need for change and action. They feel a kind of security in exploration. There’s also a bit of righteousness when it comes to rules and usually Saturn in Sag wants some kind of organized religion or religious community.

That kind of energy in the 11th house is going to be someone that is going to do what I just described in group, communities, causes, politics, social structures, friendships, co-operatives etc. I would guess that in your life you will be drawn to both the safety of a group, as well as a desire to explore the limits of groups. You can get energized working for causes and would be good at grass roots organizing.

Contrast this with someone that has Saturn in Sag but in the 4th house. This person feels safe at home. Their need to test their limits is more involved with family and how their home life fits with the entirety of their life.

Sign – style of expression.
House – area of life experience.

When you read the sign description, think style, how you express the energy. When you read the house description, think about the area of life this speaks to most.

Does that help?


Saturn Transits

Your natal chart shows the beliefs and relevant past life experiences that you bring into this life. A progressed chart shows you the kinds of opportunities and growth cycles you are bringing into your life now. Transits show you how your environment and energies outside of you impact you. The astrologer I studied with always said “it’s what outside energies will or won’t do for you.”

Saturn is transiting through Capricorn and will continue there for the next couple of years. Looking at the house(s) it is moving through in your natal chart can give you insight into what areas of your life you will restructure, build new resilience, and feel most impacted by the support or lack of support of others. Longstanding parts of your life will be challenged, and new things will form that will last a long time. Your limits will be tested in these areas. Limiting beliefs can be released and and healthy limits can be built.


Transits are rarely easy. They bring challenges, lessons and opportunities. The more open we are though, the more productive they are for us. Take a look at your chart and see where Saturn is activating your life and consider what kind of restructuring it might need, what kinds of limiting beliefs you may hold, or what kinds of limits you may need in your life.


Saturn & Fathers Day

In honor of Fathers Day, here are a few words on Saturn in your natal chart.

Saturn rules time and space, it’s the energy that allows us to know we are human. Saturn shows your ability to function in human form, and is associated with limitations, burdens, safety, security, cynicism, sorrow, and discipline. Saturn rules every form of organization and management, and shows what you believe is enduring.

In Karmic Astrology, Saturn is referred to as “the price you paid for the ticket,” as it shows what you agreed to do in this lifetime in exchange for the opportunity to incarnate and grow spiritually. Saturn also defines your beliefs about men, and shows your father in this life time.

Everyone has Saturn in their chart, and the energy can be powerful and beautiful. Saturn energy shows your capacity for loyalty, commitment, how willing you are to hang in there and be there for someone. Saturn can help bring form to what you imagine, and give you the security you need to trust and believe in yourself.

Look at the sign for you Saturn to see your preferred style for this energy. Look at the house to see the area of life where you tend to most fluently express this energy. Look at aspects to Saturn to see connections with other energies.

My father passed away a few years ago, the Sunday before Fathers Day. I think of him often, and I’m grateful for the lessons he taught me, and the way he believed in me. He encouraged me to go out into the world, to live fully, to question, to learn, and to be whatever I wanted to be.


Happy Fathers Day to all the dads, and to all men that keep others safe.


Why I love Saturn

Saturn rules time and space. It’s how we define our human existence. In your natal chart, it shows how you relate to structure, security, routine, limitations, commitment, and what you agreed to do for the opportunity to live this life.

All the planets signify energy in the natal chart. Though they are all amazing in their own way, Saturn is sometimes seen very negatively. People focus on “limitations” and see Saturn as a very strict parent. It’s important to remember that none of the energies are inherently good or bad. Venus is loving energy, but can also be associated with extreme selfishness and vanity. Mars is passion and vitality, but can also be hostile and violent. All the energies are present in us and our lives. Understanding how we work best with them is how we experience the best versions of them.

Saturn is how we define ourselves in this body, in this place and time here on earth. Being in a body, having our immortal, limitless spirit in the confines of a body, let’s us experience this world. Limitations and structure can give us opportunities, as well as support. Looking at Saturn in your chart, it’s placement and aspects to it, gives insight into what area of life you are deriving security from in this life. It can show you where and how you are learning to set limits and what you have to contribute to the world.

While studying Astrology, I discovered that every planet has a beauty and brilliance. Every energy is magnificent and can flow through our lives in a way that elevates and improves our time here. Embracing and understanding each energy guides us to their most healthy and positive expressions.

Saturn creates the doors we can choose to open and walk through so that we may make real our most desired imaginings and discover love, joy, adventure, connection, transformation and peace.

That’s why I love Saturn.

Copyright © 2017, Lisa Wagner