
Planets Conjunct the Sun

In Karmic Astrology, the sun in your natal chart represents your ego, your personality in this life. It’s who you aspire to be this time. It is your sense of sanity and of being grounded in this life. When anything in your natal chart is conjunct your sun, then that energy is also bonded with your ego and sense of self. It is hard to separate your identity from that piece and anything connected to that piece is taken very personally.

The sign, house placement, degree and rest of the chart all impact how the conjunction is expressed, but here are a few general notes on these conjunctions.

If you have Moon conjunct the sun, then you identify with your emotions. You don’t separate who you are from how you feel. Your need to express your feelings is strong and you feel deeply.

With Mercury conjunct the sun, your beliefs and mind are bonded with your ego. You identify with your mind and intellect. You need to believe you are rational and when someone does not agree with what you believe, your sense of self can feel invalidated.

Venus conjunct the sun, you identify with your values and sense of beauty. You feel unstable when you are not living in accordance with your values and caring for your appearance is part of how you define yourself.

Mars conjunct the sun, you define yourself by action. Your ambitions and passions ground you. You are what you do, and being able to take action is a very important aspect of self-expression for you.

Saturn conjunct the sun, you identify with security. Saturn rules time and space, so you need to have limits, boundaries and routines. Your sense of loyalty is part of your identify.

Jupiter conjunct the sun, you identify with possibility, growth and hope. Travel and personal growth are part of your identify. You identify with your personal ethics and judgments.

Uranus conjunct the sun, you identify with the eccentric and a sense of individualism while still feeling connected to community and the cosmos. Parts of you will always be somewhat unpredictable, though they will always make sense to you.

Neptune conjunct the sun, you identify with your intuition, compassion, creativity and a need to escape. It’s important to find a way to balance these energies, otherwise you can empathize with others to the point of losing your sense of self.

Pluto conjunct the sun, you identify with your will. Control helps you to feel grounded and you have a great capacity for personal transformation. You experience a deeper sense of empowerment as you learn to align your will with that of the divine, something larger than yourself.

If you have anything conjunct the sun in your chart, read about that energy and then think about how you identify with it. Think about how that energy is part of your sense of sanity, how it makes you feel grounded. It can give you great insight into a choice of career or what you need to feel safe and secure. Also remember that most people do not have something conjunct their sun, and have an ability to separate the energy you identify so strongly with from their ego and personality.

If you find yourself in frequent conflict with someone, ask yourself if there isn’t something you are taking so very personally. Remind yourself that a person may disagree with your beliefs, sense of justice, need to take action for a cause etc., and in no way intend to come across as invalidating who you are or how you should define your sense of self.  

Copyright © 2016, Lisa Wagner