astrology basics

Opening to Change

Since I rebooted this blog recently, I thought it was time for a fresh look.


Learning Astrology helped me to appreciate and respect timing, to be willing to sense when it was time to make changes and to do it, as well as when to be bide my time and wait.

The more open we are to change and are willing to acknowledge when it’s time for change, the easier the change. The more we resist, the more it feels like changes are forced upon us. While progressions don’t predict our lives, they do show us some of the lessons and opportunities we are inviting into our lives.

Waiting has been the harder lesson. I have a super fast air moon, and the Astrologer I studied with told me the first time I met her that I have the patience of a flea. I have come to appreciate the benefits of waiting and when I sense the time is right not to act, I am more able to listen to it.

I’ll be writing more about progressions, speed of the moon, and lots of topics in future blogs. This feels like a good time though to note that while Astrology is a great tool for self-discovery, there isn’t anything you can’t learn another way. This is just one way.

I used to give talks locally on Astrology and one question I got asked almost every time was about doing readings. It went something like this, “how do you know you are telling people the truth?” My answer was always the same. The people receiving the readings know what is true for them, and if what I am telling them doesn’t resonate with them, then what I say doesn’t matter. Either it’s not true, or they aren’t willing to hear it. All I can do is to look for feedback if what I am offering is helpful. The few people that told me that the reading wasn’t helpful/accurate, contacted me later and admitted they weren’t willing to hear what I was telling them and wanted to come back.

Going forward with this blog, my intention is to teach you about Astrology. Hopefully it will be useful for you, and you will find a way to use it in a meaningful way.

Astrology has been incredibly helpful to me. I wish the same for you.

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